Kali ini Saya mau ngasih berita kesempatan kerja di PT. Qwords Company International. Semoga kalian berminat untuk melamar di PT. Qwords Company International. Berikut informasi lengkapnya:
PT. Qwords Company Internationalmembuka lowonganBack End Developer – Front End Developer
PT. Qwords Company International is a company in the field of IT services with several subsidiaries with offices in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. Currently, the company needs reliable and competent human resources to fill positions as Back End Developer – Front End Developer.
- Pendidikan : D1 – D3, S1 / D4
- Gender : Pria/Wanita
- Umur : Negotiable
- Status Kerja : 8 November 2021
- Gaji : Gedung The Island, Jalan Sukajadi No 5, Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat
- Lokasi :
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Back End Developer
Participate in the entire application life cycle, focusing on coding and debugging
Write clean code to develop functional web applications
Troubleshoot and debug applications
Perform UI test to optimize performance
Collaborate with Front-end Developers to integrate user-facing elements with server side logic
Gather and address technical and design requirements
Provide support to internal teams
Build reusable code and libraries for future use
Liaise with developers and managers to identify new features
Front End Developer
Participate in the entire application life cycle, focusing on coding and debugging
Write clean code to develop responsive web design
Troubleshoot and debug applications
Perform test to optimize UI/UX Collaborate with Back-end Developers to integrate API with client side script
Gather and address technical and design requirements
Provide support to internal teams
Build reusable code and libraries for future use
Liaise with developers and managers to identify better UI/UX design
Persyaratan Kerja
Back End Developer
Participate in the entire application life cycle, focusing on coding and debugging
Write clean code to develop functional web applications
Troubleshoot and debug applications
Perform UI test to optimize performance
Collaborate with Front-end Developers to integrate user-facing elements with server side logic
Gather and address technical and design requirements
Provide support to internal teams
Build reusable code and libraries for future use
Liaise with developers and managers to identify new features
Front End Developer
Participate in the entire application life cycle, focusing on coding and debugging
Write clean code to develop responsive web design
Troubleshoot and debug applications
Perform test to optimize UI/UX Collaborate with Back-end Developers to integrate API with client side script
Gather and address technical and design requirements
Provide support to internal teams
Build reusable code and libraries for future use
Liaise with developers and managers to identify better UI/UX design
Kirim Lamaran
Kamu bisa mengirim lamaran ke
Jika kamu memenuhi kriteria di atas dan tertarik untuk bergabung dengan PT. Qwords Company International, jangan ragu untuk mengirimkan lamaran kamu secepatnya. Ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk mengembangkan karir kamu dan bergabung dengan tim yang luar biasa. Semoga sukses!