Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di CV. Sagara Mobile 2024 – Karirglobal.id

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Kali ini Saya mau ngasih kabar peluang kerja di CV. Sagara Mobile . Semoga kalian tertarik untuk melamar di CV. Sagara Mobile . Berikut rincian lengkapnya:

CV. Sagara Mobile membuka lowonganBusiness Development Server Pulsa  

CV. Sagara Mobile saat ini membuka lowongan kerja unbtuk posisi sebagai Business Development Server Pulsa.


  • Pendidikan : D1 – D3, S1 / D4
  • Gender : Pria/Wanita
  • Umur : Maks. 35 Tahun
  • Status Kerja : Full Time
  • Gaji : 3,5 – 5 Juta
  • Lokasi :  7 Juni 2022

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Business opportunities identification and optimization

Identify new business opportunities and the most effective approach to pursue them
Establish relationship with potential decision maker
Experiment with different outreach to identify successful sales strategies
Work with marketing to discover opportunities from leads generated
Gather feedback on product experience during the entire customer lifecycle

Business target achievement

Research target to contact and conduct pitching meetings
Build and manage client pipelines, as well as close deals
Liaise with internal team to ensure target achievement
Participate in community networking

Client relationship cultivation

Create engagement plans for customer that consider their business goals, taking into account the product capabilities
Support in product adoption and achieve process success for customers
Support clients to resolve bugs and when required
Proactively spot risk, mitigate, and escalate as deemed appropriate

Persyaratan Kerja

Business opportunities identification and optimization

Identify new business opportunities and the most effective approach to pursue them
Establish relationship with potential decision maker
Experiment with different outreach to identify successful sales strategies
Work with marketing to discover opportunities from leads generated
Gather feedback on product experience during the entire customer lifecycle

Business target achievement

Research target to contact and conduct pitching meetings
Build and manage client pipelines, as well as close deals
Liaise with internal team to ensure target achievement
Participate in community networking

Client relationship cultivation

Create engagement plans for customer that consider their business goals, taking into account the product capabilities
Support in product adoption and achieve process success for customers
Support clients to resolve bugs and when required
Proactively spot risk, mitigate, and escalate as deemed appropriate

Kirim Lamaran

Kamu bisa mengirim lamaran melalui

Jika kamu memenuhi kriteria di atas dan tertarik untuk bergabung dengan CV. Sagara Mobile , jangan ragu untuk mengirimkan lamaran kamu secepatnya. Ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk mengembangkan karir kamu dan bergabung dengan tim yang hebat. Semoga sukses!

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